GLFF Grantees

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Meet the GLFF Grantee

Food Farm

Established Grower


The Project

Food Farm will apply their grant toward refrigeration efficiency upgrades that will utilize waste heat recovery technology to move heat from refrigeration condensing units to the packing and warm storage areas of their cellar. The full project will also upgrade the farm’s electrical service. These upgrades are part of a much larger project to expand vegetable storage and packing area to accommodate increased production and add equipment, including a carrot weigher.

Environmental Impact

With a team of building and energy design professionals, Food Farm plans to reduce the energy use intensity of the building by 20%, down to 2.6 kWh/square foot from 3.3. Even though its building plan will increase refrigerated cooler space by 75% and double its enclosed (heated) packing area, these efficiencies will enable the farm to maintain a small surplus in electricity generation from solar panels. Electrical upgrades will also allow the capacity to eventually install a charging station for an electric delivery vehicle. Over its nearly 50-year history, Food Farm has always prioritized energy conservation and efficiency at each stage of growth.