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Co-op Local Art

Fruiting and Seeding

Artist: Laura Stone

Two mosaics are installed on the interior of the east wall of the Hillside Co-op. They can be viewed as customers waiting to check out. The three-year project was completed in the fall of 2008. The pieces, entitled  “Fruiting” and “Seedling” represent the idea that energy is at the heart of all things. Except for the material cost, these pieces were donated in the cooperative business spirit.

“Color to color; from one piece of glass to the next — a visual energy unwinds from unseen centers of endless generation. I have put my past experience looking at and drawing mosses, viola blossoms, apple trees, and reflections to work as I did the meditation drawings that the mosaics are based on. Italian glass  called smalti is the material cut using tools called hammer and hardie.”

– Laura Stone, artist 

Fun Fact: The mosaics were developed with the assistance of Charlie Bauer, Deanna and Randy Ellestad,  Sandy Bissell, Lawrence Jones, Steve Carlson, Brad Nelson, Alex Comb, and an Arrowhead Regional Arts  Board Fellowship Grant.

View at: Hillside Co-op