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Show Your Art at the Co-op

Home > Get Involved > Local Art > Show Your Art at the Co-op

Art Show

Please read the following guidelines carefully

  • Completing the application does not guarantee that artwork will be shown at the Co-op. We will email you to confirm whether or not we will schedule a show.
  • The artist permits WFC to use artwork images for promotional purposes.
  • No nudes, political, or religious messages.
  • Art by Co-op Owners and regional artists will be given preference.
  • Your art must fill most of the space. Measurements: Hillside (BCO): 12’ wide x 4’ high Denfeld (BRO): 22’ wide x 4’ high
  • Artists are restricted to one solo exhibit in a 12-month period.
  • The artist accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage to artwork. The artist waives any and all claims against WFC for personal injury during set up and removal of art.
  • WFC makes every effort to be available to assist, however, it is the responsibility of the artist to hang and remove art.
  • The Hillside Brewery Creek Overlook (BCO) and Denfeld Brewer Ridge Overlook (BRO) have one wall available to display art. Whole Foods Co-op (WFC) is not a professional art gallery — this agreement may be thought of as a “guest/host” relationship. 
  • All art must be displayed using the art rail system installed. All art must be wired for hanging. If another method is used, this must be disclosed at time of confirmation. No nails, tacks, tape, or other materials may be used. The artist is responsible for repairing any damage to the wall due to set up or removal of art.
  • WFC will promote artist on social media, but any outside advertisement of the exhibit is the responsibility of the artist.
  • Sales are not guaranteed. Any artwork sold while on display must remain on display until the end of the exhibit.
  • The artist must provide an email address to be displayed for customer purchasing inquiries. The artist will handle purchasing with the customer directly.
  • The artist agrees to provide artwork images, bio/artist statement, and title card information for each piece noting title, medium, and price or NFS, two weeks prior to the show WFC will create title cards and bio sign and add them to the wall on the day of setup.
  • WFC will send an Art Show Confirmation Form for artist to fill out and sign when scheduling a show. In curated shows that include multiple artists, WFC will require a signed copy of the Art Show Confirmation Form from all participants. 
  • Month and store preference is not guaranteed.

 For questions, please contact our Marketing Department at marketing@wholefoods.coop or 218.728.0884 x202. 

Art Show Application

"*" indicates required fields

Month Preference (Select up to 3)*
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 300 MB, Max. files: 10.
    I have read the list of guidelines at the beginning of this application and I agree to abide by all of these guidelines.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.