Rice Lake, MN
“The Boreal Farm is a certified organic, family farm in Rice Lake, MN. We grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers using regenerative practices and raise pastured poultry for meat. We offer our produce, cut flowers, and meat through our CSA program and online farm store. The Boreal Farm has been growing for six seasons.”
– Carolyn Hegstrom, owner
The Project
The Boreal Farm used grant funds to construct a 16 ft. x 100 ft. caterpillar tunnel to replace a high tunnel that collapsed under 30+ feet of snow during the Blue Blizzard of December 2022. This grant allowed The Boreal Farm to recover from this devastating snow event quickly and meet the requests of spring and fall CSA customers. The new tunnel is more resilient than its previous tunnel and will ensure minimal loss in yield for its upcoming growing season.
Environmental Impact
A caterpillar tunnel system prevents erosion, improves soil health, conserves water, and reduces tractor use.