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Grow Local Food Fund Application Information

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Thank you for your interest in applying for the Grow Local Food Fund (GLFF).

The application for the 2025 Grow Local Food Fund is now closed. If you have already applied, we will email you mid-March to let you know if your project was selected to receive the 2025 Grow Local Food Fund grant. Grant recipients will be announced in early April.

Grant Details

Additional qualifications for the grant include: 

  • Will only fund projects in Minnesota and Wisconsin, with preference given to applicants located in the Lake Superior Bioregion (counties adjacent to Lake Superior). 
  • The product must be for humans, edible and nutritious. 
  • A qualifying applicant will not be a nonprofit. 501c3 nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply for our Community Support Program.
  • A qualifying applicant will not have received GLFF in the past two funding cycles (2023 and 2024). 
An illustration by Whole Foods Coop Duluth depicting the stages of a strawberry ripening process. The first three stages show green strawberries, gradually turning yellow with green seeds. The final stage exhibits a fully ripened red strawberry with yellow seeds.

New Projects

That help a farm or food producer scale its offerings

An illustration of two purple berries and two green leaves, perfect for showcasing at Whole Foods Coop Duluth. One berry is solid purple while the other is light purple with a star-shaped detail in the center. The leaves consist of one large dark green leaf and one smaller light green leaf.


To facilities or purchases that increase productivity or efficiency

A simple illustration of two red cherries connected by green stems, reminiscent of the fresh produce found at Whole Foods Coop Duluth.

New Equipment

The purchase of new equipment, materials, and more

An illustration of two mushrooms of different sizes, inspired by nature's bounty available at Whole Foods Coop Duluth. The larger mushroom has a brown cap and a beige stem, while the smaller one has a white cap and a beige stem. Both are depicted with simple, flat colors on a white background.


Equipment for use over multiple growing seasons

Application Review Process

Criteria and Application Scoring

Applications are reviewed by a volunteer committee of Owners, local farmers and food producers, and professionals within the local food system.  

Applications are blind-scored using a weighted rubric outlined below. The rubric has been built to emphasize the strength of the proposed project, its feasibility, its contributions to environmental stability, and, ultimately, its ability to accomplish the goal of the Grow Local Food Fund: build capacity and resiliency in the local food system.  

Application rubric

Scales Local Food Production

Project will increase access to locally grown and/or produced nutritious food for our community. Business must be in Minnesota or Wisconsin, with preference given to businesses in the Lake Superior Bioregion (counties that border Lake Superior).

Long-Term Investment

Project will contribute to a long-term investment in the business. Examples include investing in equipment or techniques that will improve climate resiliency, or acquiring equipment or supplies for ongoing use. Items like general operating expenses, packaging, seeds, etc., are generally not considered long-term investments.  

Project Feasibility

Applicant demonstrates their capability to execute the project successfully. The application includes detailed plans, and the business owners or collaborators have relevant expertise.  

Contributes to Environmental Stability

Project will promote organic practices, local sourcing, and regenerative methods, ensuring sustainable management of air, soil, and water. 

Viability to Ensure Project Success

Overall business is viable and GLFF grant dollars will complement additional resources, either contributed directly through the applicant’s business or other grants, loans, etc., to ensure project success.  

Reliance on GLFF Grant

Gives priority to projects that contribute to a long-term investment in a business, such as acquiring equipment for use over multiple growing seasons or production cycles, rather than focusing on items like general operating expenses, packaging, or marketing.

If final scores are close, preference will be given to organizations that are majority-owned (51%+) by individuals who identify as women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, have a disability, and/or are veterans.  

Applicant Tips

If you are currently working on an application, here are a few tips on successful applications:

  • Keep your answers clear and succinct.
  • Demonstrate a need for your project or goal.
  • Articulate the necessity of your project and provide quantifiable outcomes.
  • Define how your project will impact the community.
  • Exhibit a range of funding sources for the project.
  • Sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on social media to be alerted when the next application round opens.

Questions? Email growlocalfoodfund@wholefoods.coop

Please Note: The GLFF program is newer to WFC, with the first recipients being funded in 2021. As the program grows and we gain feedback from our GLFF Selection Committee and Grantees, components of scoring and timelines for applications and awards are subject to change.