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Access Programs

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Fran Skinner Memorial Matching Fund

The Fran Skinner Memorial Matching Fund supports subsidized Co-op Ownership of up to $80 to assist Whole Foods Co-op Owners in purchasing equity stock in Whole Foods Co-op. Created in 1991, the name of the fund honors one of our founding members and long-time social justice advocate in our community, Fran Skinner.

To qualify for subsidized Ownership, individuals must show proof of participation in one of the below Qualifying Programs when signing up. Become an Owner at the Customer Service Counter at either of our stores or online. If filling out the web form, check the box: “Owners with Limited Means – $20, Bring Verification when Collecting Ownership Materials.”

Access Discount

Participants receive 10% off all grocery shopping trips with the Whole Foods Co-op Access Discount.

To receive the Access Discount you must be a Whole Foods Co-op Owner and verify with customer service that you are participating in a Qualifying Program, listed below. Joining the Access Discount Program is free. Participation is validated on a yearly basis.

Qualifying Programs

To qualify for the Fran Skinner Memorial Matching Fund and/or the Access Discount, bring proof of participation in one of the following programs to our Customer Service Counter at either store:

  • SNAP / EBT
  • WIC (Women, Infants, Children)
  • School Meal Program
  • Emergency Assistance Program
    (St. Louis County or the Salvation Army)
  • Energy Assistance Program (AEOA)
  • Medicaid
  • Section 8 or HRA Housing Program
  • Social Security Disability Insurance
    (SSDI or RSDI)

Thank You Shoppers!

The Fran Skinner Memorial Matching Fund and Access Discount programs are supported in part by Co-op shopper donations with GIVE! roundup donations. Thank you to all our shoppers for your support!