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You care about where your food comes from and how it’s grown. That’s why you should join 13,500+ of your neighbors and become an Owner of Whole Foods Co‑op. Learn More

A man in a plaid shirt and a man in a beanie and glasses are shaking hands across a counter at the Whole Foods Coop in Duluth, MN. Shelves behind them display colorful products and reusable bags.
A person with glasses, a beard, and a cap is smiling while holding a cardboard box labeled

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Upcoming Classes + Events

We strive to offer a mix of FREE and paid classes to keep our structure accessible to all.

Cover of the Summer 2024 Garbanzo Gazette featuring three glasses of kombucha, each a different color.

Stay in Touch

Garbanzo Gazette

Every season, Whole Foods Co-op sends out a newsletter for our Owners and community members as a way to connect and get the latest Co-op news.

Weekly Newsletter

We send out weekly emails on Wednesdays with current deals,  special sales, classes, application announcements, and more.

Local Art

Enjoy Local Art at the Co‑op

The work of over 350 local artists has been displayed and admired by Co-op customers and staff on our gallery walls.

Two people sit at a small table in a cozy café, enjoying bowls of soup from the Whole Foods Coop in Duluth, MN. They are smiling and engaged in conversation. The café's wood-paneled wall is adorned with colorful, abstract artwork in black frames, adding to the warm and inviting atmosphere.

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Tea of Immortality

July 17, 2024
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Bottles of Triple Crown BBQ Sauce.

Local Producer Profile: Triple Crown BBQ Sauce

July 12, 2024
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Aerial view the Whole Foods Co-op Denfeld store. An array of solar panels can be seen on the rooftop.

International Day of Cooperatives

July 2, 2024
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Hand holding a bar of Tony's Chocolonely chocolate with text, "on a mission to end exploitation in cocoa" and an arrow pointing to the chocolate bar, on a red background.

Tony’s Chocolonely

June 10, 2024
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